Ionic Detox Foot Spa 803 ION-PRO & Waist Belt 

The Ionic Detox Foot Spa 803 ION-PRO & Ionic Waist Belt service is a natural method and is today science's answer to the modern stressful and intense lifestyle, the environment full of chemicals and electromagnetic radiation. In order to detoxify the body from the dangerous, useless and toxic materials that the body accumulates daily, apply the therapeutic foot bath and the waist belt made of bamboo charcoal. Thus, the bioenergetic balance of the body will be restored, its natural healing powers will be strengthened and you will feel absolute well-being!

Through electrolysis and the ionization process, anions are produced which are absorbed by the skin pores and then activate the cells. Through chemical processes the cell expels toxins through excretory organs and lymph. The negative ions then attract these toxins, and the Free Radicals they create, and force them out through the pores of the feet into the water of the basin. This becomes immediately noticeable and visible in the water from the very first application of the method, where toxins and other deposits accumulate inside the plastic basin.

The method is NECESSARY to be used by those who:
• They use alcohol or tobacco.
• They have relatively high blood pressure or sugar
• They have rheumatism, arthritis or gout
• They have cholesterol or triglycerides
• They have a low defense system.
• They use a lot of fat in their food.
• They are on a diet.
• Workers in an environment where there are chemical and pharmaceutical substances, pesticides, heavy metals, etc.
• The healthy because it strengthens the immune system, prevents diseases.

RESULTS of Ionic detox foot spa
The results vary from organism to organism depending on its conditions and lifestyle, as well as the accumulation of toxins.
The international protocol is 10 sessions once a week.
It is confirmed in practice that 5-6 repetitions of the method bring relief and you feel healthy and prosperous. In the first sessions, the toxins are mobilized and the program must be completed for their complete removal. It lasts 30-45 minutes depending on the age and general state of health of the patient.